Tuesday 24 January 2017

Meet the Artist!

This a cool thing going around right now I had never seen before so I figured what the hell. I'll totally draw one.

It's mee!

Decided I would also just do some simple flat colours in Photoshop to give a little more umph

This probably took longer then it should have haha but I got it done in time still!

Monday 9 January 2017

Stoneforge Blades

I'm trying this new thing where I keep my blog up to date so here we go. Couple weeks ago I started colouring this drawing in when I had to stop due to taking a test for a job with a local studio. I probably would have finished sooner if I hadn't put this drawing on hold.

Behold The stoneforge Mystic in all her glory!

So as I pray, Unlimited blade works!

This was actually super fun to produce as I haven't done digital in a long time and frankly, I'm not usually a huge fan of but this turned out well enough I'm going to put out a lot more digital work this year!

I'll er...eventually post my 2D FX stuff I swear.

Tuesday 3 January 2017

2017 Has arrived!

And with it now, my first post in the new year!... Er also my first post in a...a long time
so here, have a monster(get it? ha) drawing to start. The finished version of my Carnifex spread from the end of last year. It spans two pages in my sketchbook. Drawin with at darkest an 8B pencil and up to the lightest, a 5H pencil.

How ironic it is that as fast we spread progress and hope throughout the galaxy, the Tyranids spread death and despair.

I kinda miss the good old days of my Nid'Zilla swarm.

Kicking off 2017 with a bang, I've planned my next drawing out and will post WIP soon. I'm also working on some new FX pieces I'll post all together here when they're finished.